Deliver an exceptional training session through the exclusive use of our room rental service. 

Our services are available for rental 7 days per week – Outside of office hours by appointment only.

Greencastle community centre image

Training Rooms

The Centre offers fully customisable Conference Suites ideal for meetings and training courses. The suites are bright, modern and spacious with a range of equipment and facilities available.

Computer Suite

Our newly renovated computer suite is modern, spacious and boasts a range of high-spec equipment and facilities. Hot-desking facility available and can be booked via Connected Hubs or by contacting the Centre directly.

Sports Hall

A multi-functional sporting and recreational facility and is the only hall of its kind in the area. Boasting an area of 96ft x 66ft and 30ft high and with a state of the art polyurethane floor. 

Counselling Room

Counselling room for hire Greencastle community centre

Our recently refurbished Counselling Room provides a smaller space Ideal for counselling, therapy, small meetings or interviews in a pleasant and peaceful setting.

Dance/ Fitness Studio

Room rental for exercise or dance class

Featuring wall mirrors, wooden flooring, large windows for natural light and LED lighting making it ideal for dance and work-out classes. This room can also be set up for larger lessons or seminars.

Self-Contained Unit

Our private therapy room is ideal for complementary therapy, massage or physical therapy. Available for single day hire or repeat appointments.

Roomhire Enquiry

Get in Touch with us to discuss your room hire requirements or to arrange a viewing of our facilities:
Roomhire Enquiry
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